Prof. Dr. “Metals and chemical compounds in electronic cigarette devices can cause damage to the heart vessels by causing oxidative stress and inflammation in every part of the body,” Sinem Iliaz said.
İSTANBUL (AA) – Head of Chest Diseases Department of Biruni University Faculty of Medicine Hospital Prof. Dr. Sinem Iliaz stated that electronic cigarette users may experience serious health problems such as dementia, lung and heart diseases in the long term.
According to the hospital, many studies are being conducted around the world on the negative effects of electronic cigarettes on health.
Prof. Prof. Dr., whose opinions are included in the statement. Dr. Sinem Iliaz reported that the UK had examined a study on the use of electronic cigarettes at the Manchester Metropolitan University in detail, and that electronic cigarettes invited many health problems.
Evaluating the findings of the research, “The long-term effects of electronic smoking can adversely affect many organs, especially the cardiovascular system. Deterioration in vascular elasticity mentioned in the study can lead to cognitive function losses such as heart diseases, stroke and dementia in advanced ages. Even at a young age, these effects can be seen.’
The hypolec, stating that electronic cigarettes can harm lung health, stressed that propylene glycol and other chemicals in the devices can cause inflammation in the lungs, cause harmful reactions in the respiratory tract and pave the way for the development of serious diseases.
“The damage detected in the veins of electronic cigarette users can threaten many organs of the body from the lungs to the heart,” he said, “Metals and chemical compounds in electronic cigarette devices can cause oxidative stress and inflammation in every part of the body, causing damage to the heart vessels.”
– ‘Not considered a smoking-disposing tool’
Prof. Dr. Electronic cigarettes should not be recommended as a tool for smoking cessation, which could lead to other health problems in the long run, he said.
Pointing out that other methods should be used in order to avoid smoking, Iliaz said, ‘The belief that electronic cigarettes are less harmful than cigarettes are less harmful. In fact, the long-term health risks of those who use this product can become more serious.’